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13. Pareto tail. Continuous time random walk.



Vilfredo Pareto tried, during the last part of the 19th and the early part of the 20th century, to make economics and sociology into an "exact" science by pursuing analogies with physics and mechanics. He was particularly interested into the dynamics of business cycles and the rise and fall of empires and elites, and his work remains somewhat controversial. He wrote in 1897 that
In all places and at all times the distribution of income in a stable economy, when the origin of measurement is at a sufficiently high income level, will be given approximately by the empirical formula y=ax-v, where y is the number of people having an income x or greater and v is approximately 1.5.
Income tax data in several countries agree qualitatively with Pareto's observation also in more recent times.

Arrange employees within an enterprise in a hierarchy. Let yi be the number of people at the i'th level and let i+1 be the level above.
The ratio of personnel at the two levels are


Suppose each operator on the i'th level earn their income xi from a commission of a fraction $\lambda $ of the income of the people in the level below. In return a fraction $\lambda $ of the income is paid to the immediate boss above.
The income at the i+1 level is thus

\begin{displaymath}x_{i+1}=n(1-\lambda )\lambda x_i.\end{displaymath}

If p[x] is the probability distribution for
income x we have

\begin{displaymath}n p[n(1-\lambda )\lambda x]=p[x]\end{displaymath}

We find a power law distribution of the Pareto form with

\begin{displaymath}v+1={{\ln n}\over{\ln[n\lambda (1-\lambda )]}}\end{displaymath}

In order for amplification to take place we must impose the restriction

\begin{displaymath}n\lambda (1-\lambda )> 1.\end{displaymath}

v is the exponent of the cumulative distribution i.e.

\begin{displaymath}n\sim x^{-v-1}\end{displaymath}

Note that the exponent v is non-universal, and depends on the parameters n and $\lambda $ which must be expected to vary from society to society.

Montroll and Shlesinger [1982][1983] builds a model to explain the data from the observation that
The leverage people in the investment business have their style of amplification. During certain periods of prosperity easy money become available for investment, sometimes in stock, sometimes in real estate or perhaps in silver or Rembrandts. A common feature of such times is that the daring may exploit the easy money to acquire some speculative commodity through margin payment, say, 10% with a promise to pay the remainder. If the commodity doubles in price a 10% margin is amplified into a ninefold profit.

Let $g(x/\hat{x})$ be the basic distribution without amplification.
With a small probability $\lambda $ the income is amplified by leverage N times. The income distribution becomes





Substituting $G\propto x^{-1-\nu}$ we find

\begin{displaymath}\nu=\frac{-\ln\lambda}{\ln N}\end{displaymath}

The two approaches are mathematically equivalent. A less tongue in cheek discussion of the income distribution can be found in Mandelbrot [1962]. This article reprinted commented upon in Mandelbrot [1997]. Pareto's own thoughts on the subject can be found in Pareto[1968] and [1984].


Consider a walk on a regular lattice in d-dimensions
Three probability distributions of interest: Assume that probability distribution p for jumps in different directions is given:

\begin{displaymath}P_{n+1}(x)=\sum_{x'}p( x,x') P_n( x')\end{displaymath}

For a translationally invariant lattice equation can be solved using methods of generating functions and Fourier transforms.

\begin{displaymath}G( x,z)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty P_n(x)z^n\end{displaymath}

Substituting into recursion relation

\begin{displaymath}G( x,z)=\delta_{x,0}+z\sum_{x'}p( x-x')G( x',z)\end{displaymath}

g(k) Fourier transform of G(x,z) over lattice.
$\lambda( k)$ Fourier transform of p( x). Get

\begin{displaymath}g( k,z)=\frac{1}{1-z\lambda( k)}\end{displaymath}

In the limit of an infinite lattice we then find the lattice Green's function

\begin{displaymath}G( x,z)=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^d}\int_{BZ}d^dk\frac{\exp(- ix\cdot k)}

Where BZ stands for Brillouin Zone. (Readers unfamiliar with solid state physics can find an excellent introduction in Ascroft and Mermin [1976]. We will not need to get into details about reciprocal lattices and lattice sums in this course).

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14. Return time distribution. Continuous time random walk(continued)

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Birger Bergersen